Monday, August 8, 2011

Analysis of Lone Star Liberal's Views on Same-Sex Marriages

Lone Star Liberal blogger, Laura wrote an intensely opinionated article, "How Are Beliefs Blind Us." At first glance, I was expecting to read an informational article about the right for same-sex marriages to be legal with her personal opinion and was surprised to find as I read on it was more focused on the ignorance of Rick Perry and Texas. I lost some sense of credibility with this blog, because as it continued, opinionated writing was replaced by strong disgust. I feel Laura can not argue that Texas conservatives are wrong, because they are stubborn with their own opinions when she is strongly stubborn with her own. Ignorance is not a worthy argument; no party will get anywhere with "I'm right and you're wrong" stance. I felt that is exactly where this article went. There are those that will agree for same-sex marriage, like myself, but I feel the real expectation of a blog is to open the minds of the opposite party. Not just for comment box full of those that agree. People want the knowledge of repercussions and benefits with an issue, such as making marriage illegal for some partners can result in a riot just as monumental as black rights. We all know how that affected the nation; there was violence, famous speeches and eventually came change. The nation should learn from those events and take precautions to not let same-sex rights result in the same extremes. I wish I could have found some insight, such as that in the blog. I'm already aware of the strong opinions of conservatives and liberals. I want to read why conservatives should open their eyes to change and was a little disappointed with the content. It was well written, but much to one-minded and you can not expect to open others mind by keeping yours shut.

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